BCD Racing Home
 10/15/23 NM Old Fashionned CX Series - Hubbell CX I, Albuqueruqe, NM
 12/02/23  NM Old Fashionned CX Series - Hubbell CX II Albuqueruqe, NM
 12/10/23 NM Old Fashionned CX Series - Oak Leaf CX moved to Hubbell, Albuqueruqe, NM info coming
 12/30/23 NM Old Fashionned CX Series - Hubbell CX III Albuquerque, NM
 01/06/24 Waterfall Informal CX, Corrales, NM
 01/20/24 NM Old Fashionned CX Series - Hays Apple Farm CX I, Bosque Farms, NM
 01/27/23 NM Old Fashionned CX Series - Hays Apple Farm CX II, Bosque Farms, NM
 possibly some informal MTB races in the spring, info coming

Tuesday Results 2023
 Tuesday Results 2022
Tuesday Results 2021
Weekend event results 2022, 2021, and earlier, work in progress

Course moved to Hubbell Due to snow. Info on Hubbell page.

Sign up for 12/10 here:

Online registration for 12/10/23

List of Riders Registered for 12/10/23

30% of the proceeds of the Old Fashioned CX Series will be donated to Albuquerque Gericats Estate and Sanctuary*

About the Old Fashioned CX Series. 

A long time ago, before gravel bikes or mountain bikes, when the weather got chilly, bike racers would ride whatever bike they had through the woods, across the fields and down little dirt lanes. Sometimes there would be steep hills or fallen logs where they would have to get off their bikes and carry them. And, since they were bike racers, they started setting up little loops and racing around them. It was fun. This was the beginning of cyclocross.  

I feel that the UCI with all their rules (even if they be well meaning) have kind of lost contact with this aesthetic. This series attempts to preserve this "old fashioned" cyclocross aesthetic of just riding around through whatever happens to be out there.  

So what should I expect to be different VS a normal modern cyclocross race?

I will try to design courses that favor cyclocross bikes over mountain bikes or road bikes.  Considerable sections of the courses will be less than 3m wide, hurdles will more likely be a just a few logs thrown across the trail, and there will probably be more running with the bike than most CX races. You can ride any type of bike or tires you think best for the course. This year all the races will have one combined start and race for about 1hr, this is also kind of old school cyclocross.   

None of the races are USAC so you do not need a license, but there are no official USAC upgrade or ranking points earned.

Be sure you have fresh sealant, for Hubble especially. It has been a bumper goathead year.

I hope you can make it out, and that you think it's fun.

Note if it is really snowy up there, we will move the race to the Hubbell course. 

Bikes: You can ride any bike and any tire width you wish, as long as the only motor is you. 

Course: 4 mi loop with some double track, some singletrack, with about 1/2 mile of pavement. We will do 3 laps. Trails are pretty smooth and fast: fun stuff to ride on a CX bike. Faster riders will finish in about 50-60 minutes. There will be several runups per lap. There is some bumpy stuff so 35-45 mm tires would be good.